Wednesday, July 23, 2008

blogging...pretty sweet, nice people...seen some cool work....gotten some nice comments....given a couple myself...all in all a pleasing experience and introduction into the online world. Sweet? - Sweet

meanwhile in the first year studio....

Where I go so does my camera, you never know whats gonna be around the corner.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Im new to the blogging scene but there have been a few that have stood out for me...

-this is a great blog site with a range of artists with individual profiles displaying their work which anyone can join and feel free to buy, research and even discuss their work with other members.

-a huge network of people adding tags of their favourite websites which other members can search keywords and find related websites which they can then tag adding to their own library of websites.

-a site where people can post their favourite artists links, and browse for new related ones...very noice.

++myfirstblog...last trimesters project

++The project I chose as my favourite was the third project of the 101 drawing paper. The majority of the mark for this project was on a series of watercolour paintings. The paintings were based on pixelating our precedent image in black & white, colour, and then we were asked to map the colour pixel onto a form which we had to create in perspective. We also had to do three timed perspective sketches (30 secound, 3 minute and 10 minute) and a poster on our views about our assigned artist or designer. I was given work from Craig Castello, more commonly known as KR, who is an American graffiti artist and also the owner/establisher of Krink, a graffiti styled felt marker.

++I embraced his views shown in his work as I liked how he displayed chaos and disorder within his surroundings of the planned and organised San Francisco streets. With this inspiration from my precedent I have began to find my own style and things that interest me as a designer. Such things as more worn and tired surfaces I find more interesting over something that is smooth, polished and manufactured. Also I've found I like to show more data then less as it creates more depth and interest in a project or piece of work. This has helped me develop quite a messy, loose and abstracted style to my drawing and views towards design.